How anyone, anywhere, can homestead

We’ve talked a lot on this website about transport, droughts, and other things that are detrimental to our food supply chain. Really, unless you want to be at the mercy of a whole lot of other people, including politicians and giant corporations, your only possibility is to take matters into your own hands.

Now, you may be thinking, “I live in an apartment in the city” or “I have an HOA that doesn’t allow for that” but we believe strongly that where there’s a will, there’s a way. And we’re here to show you that way.

Erica Nygaard has written an awesome new PDF guide called “The Dirty Truth About How to Start Homesteading: A Real-Deal Guide to Food Production for Anyone, Anywhere.”

Erica is a single mom of four who has been building her homestead for years a little at a time. She’s sharing her hard-won lessons about the good and the bad sides of homesteading, ideas for getting started with a rock-bottom budget, and ways anyone can add just a little bit more food production to their lifestyles.

Erica is the queen of breaking things down into small, manageable steps. She breaks this down into the concepts of homesteading, gardening, livestock, and food preservation, in a way that isn’t overwhelming.

Go grab her book! Your purchase supports independent bloggers and this website and it will help make YOU more food secure.


By Daisy Luther

Daisy is a prolific blogger who has been widely republished throughout alternative media on such sites as SHTFplan, The Daily Sheeple, Activist Post, Lew Rockwell, and Infowars. On her website, The Organic Prepper, Daisy uses her background in alternative journalism to provide a unique perspective on health, self-reliance, personal liberty, and preparedness.

She is also the best-selling author of The Organic Canner,  The Pantry Primer: A Prepper’s Guide to Whole Food on a Half Price Budget, and the  The Prepper’s Water Survival Guide: Harvest, Treat, and Store Your Most Vital Resource.

You can follow Daisy on Facebook and Twitter, and you can email her at [email protected]

(Source:; May 8, 2021;
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